St Thomas' Episcopal Church, Aboyne

Services and Readings

Services and Readings

Service Times Each Month

When Service Time
1st Sunday Morning Worship 11.15 am
2nd Sunday Holy Communion 11.15 am
3rd Sunday Holy Communion 11.15 am
4th Sunday Family Communion 11.15 am
5th Sunday Morning Prayer (Matins) 11.15 am
When Service Time
1st Sunday Morning Worship 11.15 am
2nd Sunday Holy Communion 11.15 am
3rd Sunday Holy Communion 11.15 am
4th Sunday Family Communion 11.15 am
5th Sunday Morning Prayer (Matins) 11.15 am

We have a usual weekly cycle of services, as outlined in the chart above. In addition, we have special services on Festivals and Holy Days, including the Harvest Festival, Christingle, the Carol Service, the Crib Service, and an occasional Choral Evensong.   Other events include the Chalking of the Door and Blessing of our Church at Epiphany, and Blessing of Candles at Candlemas. We have also introduced on Easter Eve a short Easter Vigil and Bonfire. These are given special publicity, and are included in the Church Calendar.

Regular Services Held Each Month

Morning Worship

On the first Sunday of the month we have a service of Morning Worship. This is a more relaxed style of service, with more interactivity and congregational involvement.  It is for everyone, not specifically for children, but they are of course especially welcome. It is usually shorter than our other services, which gives space and time for mixing and mingling over refreshments afterwards. 

Holy Communion

There are services of Holy Communion on the second and third Sundays of the month, using the 1982 and 1970 services respectively.

Family Communion

There is a more informal Family Communion on the 4th Sunday of the month, at which children are particularly welcome.

Morning Prayer (Matins)

This takes place on the fifth Sunday of the month, unless there is a special celebration, for instance of Advent Sunday. This is usually a choral Matins

Ecumenical Involvement

Where possible, we rejoice in being able to share services with members of the other churches in Aboyne.


Bible readings for each month are published in the Tattler church magazine.

St Thomas' Online

St Thomas’ Church has a Facebook page, which we try to keep up to date with details of events, both in the church and in the community.
A link to Rector’s weekly reflection is also posted on there.

You will find our Rector on YouTube at the channel Vittoria Hancock. This has videos of recorded Services and reflections, as well as the Nine Lessons and Carols service and the Crib Services.

News and Notices is available as a weekly email, which at times is sent out more frequently. This contains details of church news and notices, along with information we are asked to circulate from the wider community. If you would like to be added on to our News and Notices Circulation list, please contact the Rector by email