Church Calendar
Church Calendar
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Events in March–April 2025
Morning Worship Morning Worship
2 March 2025An informal service of morning worship for people of all ages.
Followed by tea/coffee/juice and socialising
Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday
5 March 2025A service of Holy Communion and Imposition of the Ashes, for Ash Wednesday.
Holy Communion Holy Communion
9 March 2025A service of Holy Communion using the revised 1982 version.Followed by tea/coffee and socialising
Holy Communion followed by informal soul soup lunch Holy Communion followed by informal soul soup lunch
11 March 2025A short midweek service of Holy Communion, followed by an informal soup lunch, to which all are welcome, whether or not they have been to the Communion service.
Lent Course Lent Course
11 March 2025In this year's Lent course, we will be looking at the 'I am' sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of John – 'I am the bread of life', 'I am the door', 'I am the true vine' and so forth. The Lent course will be held in person on Tuesday evenings during Lent (11th, 18th, 25th, March, 1st, 8th April) starting at 7.30pm. There will also be a zoom option for anyone who wishes to join us that way. All are welcome.
Holy Communion Holy Communion
16 March 2025A service of Holy Communion, using the 1970 version. Followed bytes/coffee and socialising
Holy Communion followed by informal soul soup lunch Holy Communion followed by informal soul soup lunch
18 March 2025A short midweek service of Holy Communion, followed by an informal soup lunch, to which all are welcome, whether or not they have been to the Communion service.
Lent Course Lent Course
18 March 2025In this year's Lent course, we will be looking at the 'I am' sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of John – 'I am the bread of life', 'I am the door', 'I am the true vine' and so forth. The Lent course will be held in person on Tuesday evenings during Lent (11th, 18th, 25th, March, 1st, 8th April) starting at 7.30pm. There will also be a zoom option for anyone who wishes to join us that way. All are welcome.
Family Communion Family Communion
23 March 2025Am informal service of Holy Communion for people of all ages. Followed by tea/coffee/juice and socialising
Holy Communion followed by informal soul soup lunch Holy Communion followed by informal soul soup lunch
25 March 2025A short midweek service of Holy Communion, followed by an informal soup lunch, to which all are welcome, whether or not they have been to the Communion service.
Lent Course Lent Course
25 March 2025In this year's Lent course, we will be looking at the 'I am' sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of John – 'I am the bread of life', 'I am the door', 'I am the true vine' and so forth. The Lent course will be held in person on Tuesday evenings during Lent (11th, 18th, 25th, March, 1st, 8th April) starting at 7.30pm. There will also be a zoom option for anyone who wishes to join us that way. All are welcome.
Holy Communion followed by informal soul soup lunch Holy Communion followed by informal soul soup lunch
1 April 2025A short midweek service of Holy Communion, followed by an informal soup lunch, to which all are welcome, whether or not they have been to the Communion service.
Lent Course Lent Course
1 April 2025In this year's Lent course, we will be looking at the 'I am' sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of John – 'I am the bread of life', 'I am the door', 'I am the true vine' and so forth. The Lent course will be held in person on Tuesday evenings during Lent (11th, 18th, 25th, March, 1st, 8th April) starting at 7.30pm. There will also be a zoom option for anyone who wishes to join us that way. All are welcome.